The first thing to consider in buying books for autistic children is the material the book is made from. This is one of the important things to consider for a child with autism because most of the times they love to tear paper. If you will get them a book made with paper pages, they will probably rip it to shreds. They do this repeatedly. Instead, find a book which is a bit hard like those with materials made from cardboards. They cannot tear these easily, but if they chew on things, then go for the types that are made of pliable plastic. But be careful not to choose once with squeaky inserts, as they might be sensitive to those noises.
It is necessary to ask the parent what books the child would prefer. If they love to sit and hear stories, they would probably love to get books that are about children and animals. They may enjoy watching picture of other children, babies, or animals. When it comes to older children, it is better to ask the parent what to get. Because they know better than anyone what their child likes, and they also know the level of intellect. Some autistic children are highly intelligent and they will need something to stimulate their mind.
Many of these kids have problems socializing, and often times they have communication problems (despite the fact that they might have an extensive vocabulary). There are also books that will help them with socialization and language skills. There are certain books specifically written and developed just for children with autism. These books can help them understand their world better and will also help them understand others. Understanding and knowledge go a long way towards helping these children adjust and if siblings and parents understand they are less likely to pick on them and make them feel they are different.